Day 4- 2B or not 2C?

To The Next Seven Weeks!
To my right (Edgard Ortize - Co-founder)
In front of me (Daniel Li - Co-founder)
to Daniel's right (Creso Chavez - CEO/Commercial Director)

Today I spent a full day with the Pixel Labs management team at their new office location on Rua Estevão Baião in Vila Congonhas. Over the past 10 years the company has truly lived its motto “You dream it. We build it.” Edgard Ortiz and Daniel Li (Co-founders of Pixel Labs) are the brains behind this innovative and inspiring organization. Edgar is the product guy and Daniel, the sales guy. For the past decade Pixel Labs has developed dozens of innovative technology solutions for some of the biggest brands in Brazil and globally. Some of their clients include Chevrolet, Heineken, Neutrogena, Novartis, Itau (Brazilian bank), TAM (Brazilian airline), Natura (one the largest cosmetic/beauty product companies in Brazil) and O Boticario (one of the largest cosmetic franchises in the world).
The company primarily develops technology solutions for point-of-sales, online channels, or events (sporting games, concerts, exhibitions, etc.) to enhance consumer experience; increase customer traffic; and increase sales. For example, check out this link for a campaign conducted using the ladies’ room mirror of a local restaurant to promote Natura Una, one of Natura’s most popular product lines. Pixel Labs developed this technology for the company. FYI…the opening line of the video (in Portuguese) reads “Have you ever wondered if a mirror could show how you would look if you wore make-up...without having to actually put on the make-up?”
That is just one of many products/solutions Pixel has developed for its clients. Although most of these “technology solutions” can be considered products in their own right, they are typically developed for and sold to a specific company for a specific program (e.g. a sales campaign, or a trade-show/exhibition). As such, the company has been unable to generate recurring revenue or significantly scale its operations over the past ten years. Historically, revenue has been driven primarily by these “one time” projects that are often few and far between causing cash flow concerns.
Projects vs. Products
The company is currently considering a transition from a project-based company to a product-based company. The idea is to make the move from providing one product/solution for one customer or event (i.e. non-recurring revenues) to a product-based company that can provide a single or multiple products for a number of customers therefore creating a recurring revenue model.
Core vs. non-core
Also, to date, Pixel’s most innovative and commercially successful technology solutions have been centered on health and beauty, the company’s core focus. A pertinent question has been whether the company should focus exclusively on building products within this core space or continue to innovate and create products/solutions for a number of customers, industries and/or sectors.
2B or not 2C? That is the Question.
What will enable the company to scale its operations faster – B2B (business-to-business) marketing and sales or B2C (business-to-consumer)?  Just one of many questions entrepreneurs of all kinds have to answer as they try to move their companies to the next level. Typically, these decisions can determine whether or not a company is successful long-term and it’s no different for a company like Pixel Labs. This is the crucial role Endeavor (our local collaborator/sponsor) plays in the life of companies like Pixel. Endeavor leverages its global network of partners, like Ernst & Young, to help these companies achieve their potential, and from time to time, people like me get to come along for the ride; albeit for seven weeks. This pretty much summarizes all that I learned on my first day. So now my task is to learn as much as I can about Pixel Labs and then leverage my Ernst & Young experience (auditing, accounting and transaction advisory) as well as the E&Y resources at my disposal to help Pixel at this stage of their journey. As Barney Stinson would say, CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!! 

Fun fact
On September 6th, 2012, Ernst & Young launched its Global Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation which is an online platform providing guidance to entrepreneurs and innovators on their growth journey as well as enabling fast growing companies to connect to each other, sharing their different perspectives.

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